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Lezioni Di Fisica Tecnica Mauro Felli

Category:Italian physicists Category:Living people Category:1943 births Category:Italian physicists Category:Technical University of Vienna alumni Category:Cabildo de ComayaguaQ: Can I avoid manual installation of html5 shiv on WordPress? Currently, when using WordPress and requireHTML5 to enable HTML5 scripts and css files on a page, I have to go through and manually add an inline script to every page. It would be much nicer to write: window.addEvent('domready', function() { requireHTML5(); }); However, it seems like HTML5shiv.js will cause a MooTools error when loading. Is there a way to avoid the manual installation of the script? A: I had to manually install HTML5shiv on a site recently. This is for WordPress but I'm pretty sure you can do the same for non-WordPress sites. If you're using Xampp, first navigate to your htdocs folder. If you're using something else, you may need to browse to your site's root folder and navigate to the htdocs folder. Create a folder be359ba680

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